Sunday, October 30, 2011


Amsterdam was good.  Luggage was not a problem;0) And what I liked best was that I think it set the tone of my journey.  Case in point is my van driver.  Unfortunately I don’t know his name, but he goes by the initials H.V.  He is an enthusiastic Dutchman, with a keen sparkle in his blue eyes.  He’s 63, married to his “very young wife”  (whom I assume is at least half his age) and has two five year old sons…twins.  He’s termed being a shuttle driver as a “crap job”, yet plans to retire in a year to go sailing around the world…as soon as he finishes building his new boat.  This will be his second sail around the globe.  The only difference is this time he’ll bring along his “very young wife” and two sons and sail for an indefinite period…10 years or more. 

H.V. is a unique individual…the kind I find most fascinating.  He grew up son to a sailor.  That sailor, adamant that his son should have a better, more prestigious life than he, discouraged boating and sailing of any kind.  That discouragement only piqued H.V.’s interest.  At 18 he gained acceptance into a maritime academy.  All that was needed for admission was his father’s signature, which he refused to give.  Dejected and infuriated, H.V. became an engineer, and after a while, began pursuing maritime courses on the side.  By the time he was thirty he had built himself a boat and took off for a five year venture around the world.  During that time he encountered many wonders and experiences, some of which include seeing a dolphin funeral and sailing alongside breeching whales. 

This is one thing I love about traveling; the people you meet and the stories they have to share.  H.V. is living his life on his own terms.  He refused to give up on his dreams and passions, and because of this, is living a life he loves.  He is completely happy…not to mention personable, enthusiastic, philanthropic, and funny.  And I got to know all of this in a matter of 25 minutes.  H.V.’s life validates my own choices.  Most people think I’m exceptionally crazy or brave or both for doing what I’m doing.  Others might feel sorry for me because I’m still single, and because I don’t have a family of my own, have to do these things.  I don’t really know what I’m doing, but I do know that H.V. changed his life in a big way with his first journey around the world.  And now I am changing mine.

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